Erin Crow, PMHNP
Erin Crow is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, who is Board Certified in Psychiatry by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She will be joining Monarch Mental Health in September!
Erin practices with mindfulness and compassion, while maintaining a comfortable, non-judgmental approach that utilizes current evidence based treatments. Erin prioritizes a patient-provider partnership where growth and change can authentically occur in a meaningful manner.
Erin completed her Masters in Nursing as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner from Cox College of Nursing while completing clinicals at University Health Truman Medical Center. University Health is a top tier teaching hospital with a mission to provide care for all, regardless of ability to pay. This experience is what allowed Erin to become a highly skilled, compassionate Psychiatric provider.
Erin is originally from Springfield, Missouri where she grew up excelling in academics while playing cello and swimming for the high school. She graduated with a Bachelors in Anthropology from Missouri State University and completed her Nursing Degree, both degrees with Honors. Erin discovered her skill and passion for behavioral/mental health care. She worked in outpatient and inpatient behavioral health settings in Missouri, Oregon, and Washington. Erin received training in a therapy modality called Motivational Interviewing and practiced with a focus on preventative health. This has allowed Erin to work in a holistic manner, connecting brain, body, and social factors.
Erin has experience in working with individuals with Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Autism, ADHD, Personality Disorders, Substance Use Disorders and more.
Erin and her husband settled down in the Kansas City area where they began raising their three children. She enjoys being with her family, outdoor adventures, swimming, going out to eat, video games, and youth soccer.